AI in Contract Management: Benefits & Use Cases

published on 10 October 2024

AI is revolutionizing contract management. Here's what you need to know:

  • AI tools can review contracts in minutes, not hours
  • They're often more accurate than humans at spotting issues
  • AI frees up lawyers to focus on complex tasks
  • It's becoming essential for businesses handling lots of contracts

Key benefits:

  1. Speed: AI reviews contracts 75% faster than humans
  2. Accuracy: 10% more accurate than lawyers in spotting issues
  3. Cost savings: Cuts routine work, saving money
  4. Risk reduction: Catches problems early

How AI helps:

Task AI Capability
Writing Drafts basic contracts quickly
Reviewing Spots key clauses, dates, parties
Risk management Flags potential legal issues
Compliance Checks against laws and company rules

Bottom line: AI in contract management isn't replacing lawyers, but it's making them more efficient. It's a game-changer for businesses dealing with lots of contracts.

How AI Works in Contract Management

AI in contract management is like a super-smart assistant for your legal team. It uses machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) to read and analyze contracts at lightning speed.

Key Technologies

Machine Learning: The brain of AI contract management. It learns from past contracts to spot patterns and make smart decisions.

Natural Language Processing (NLP): This helps AI understand human language, including legal jargon.

Here's how it works:

  1. AI scans contracts quickly
  2. NLP helps it understand the content
  3. It spots key info like dates and clauses
  4. Flags potential issues or risks
  5. Some tools even suggest edits

Real-world examples:

Company AI Tool Function Impact
LexCheck NLP platform Reviews for ambiguities Marks up contracts in minutes
Ironclad AI management Automates processes Cuts review time by 75%

"AI for contract management... creates value out of nothing, reduces headaches, and wipes out an incredible amount of inefficiency from the system." - Ironclad

AI isn't just fast - it's often more accurate. A LawGeex study found AI was 10% more accurate than lawyers in contract review.

But it's not about replacing lawyers. AI handles the grunt work, freeing up legal pros for complex issues.

"A big risk with AI-powered contract technology is not using it." - Craig Vaughn, Thomson Reuters

The bottom line? AI in contract management is a game-changer. It's fast, accurate, and handles huge volumes. For businesses with lots of contracts, it's becoming essential.

Advantages of AI in Contract Management

AI is shaking things up in contract management. Here's how:

Speed and Efficiency

AI tools blast through contracts at lightning speed. We're talking minutes, not hours.

Ironclad's AI system? It slashes contract review time by 75%. That's a game-changer for legal teams.

"AI for contract management... wipes out an incredible amount of inefficiency from the system." - Ironclad

Accuracy and Compliance

AI doesn't get sleepy or distracted. It catches things humans might miss.

Get this: A LawGeex study found AI was 10% more accurate than lawyers in contract review. That's huge for staying on the right side of the law.

In real estate? AI flags iffy clauses that don't meet legal standards. Keeps transactions smooth and safe.

Cost and Risk Reduction

AI catches problems early, dodging costly mistakes. It frees up lawyers for the tricky stuff, too.

Craig Vaughn from Thomson Reuters doesn't mince words:

"A big risk with AI-powered contract technology is not using it."

Smarter Decisions

AI doesn't just spot issues - it gives insights. It can crunch data from tons of contracts, helping companies make savvier choices.

Example? AI can show which contract terms get haggled over most. That's gold for prepping future deals.

AI Perk What It Does
Speed Reviews 75% faster
Accuracy 10% more accurate than humans
Cost Cuts lawyer time on routine stuff
Insights Spots negotiation trends

Bottom line: For companies juggling lots of contracts, AI isn't just nice to have. It's becoming a must.

How AI is Used in Contract Management

AI is shaking up contract management. Here's how:

Writing Contracts

AI speeds up drafting:

  • It whips up basic contracts in minutes
  • Tools like DocJuris tailor contracts to company rules
  • AI flags issues, freeing lawyers to focus on strategy

But don't get too excited. Patrick Lavan from Bloomberg Law warns:

"Right now, there isn't AI technology that's good enough to blindly write a contract without an attorney reviewing it at all. It would be a massive risk for a lawyer to do this because the technology just isn't there yet."

Checking Contracts

AI supercharges review:

  • Enty's AI tool zips through contracts in 3-4 minutes
  • It spots key clauses, dates, and parties
  • Tools like Bloomberg Law's Draft Analyzer compare your contract to market norms

Here's what AI can do:

Task AI Capability
Extract key info Grabs parties, dates, payment terms
Spot risks Flags weird or risky clauses
Compare to standards Checks against company and industry rules
Summarize Boils down long contracts

Finding Risks in Contracts

AI is like a risk-sniffing bloodhound:

  • It learns from tons of contracts to spot potential issues
  • Checks if contracts follow laws and company rules
  • Highlights clauses that need human eyes

DocJuris offers:

"AI contract review software designed to help legal teams decrease negotiation time by aligning contracts with company policies and providing an intuitive checklist for changes."

The takeaway? AI in contract management saves time, cuts errors, and boosts lawyer efficiency. But it's not replacing legal pros anytime soon.


Problems and Things to Think About

AI in contract management is a game-changer, but it's not all smooth sailing. Let's dive into two big issues:

Keeping Data Safe and Private

AI is data-hungry, and that can put sensitive info at risk. Here's the scoop:

  • AI systems like ChatGPT gobble up massive amounts of data. ChatGPT's training data jumped from 1.5 billion to 175 billion data points in just one year.
  • The U.S. lacks a unified AI and data law, making things messy. The EU, however, has tough rules like GDPR.
  • Even with safeguards, AI can sometimes connect the dots and uncover hidden personal info.

How to stay safe:

1. Use privacy tech

Implement tools that protect data while AI does its thing. This helps you follow the rules and keep info secure.

2. Check for risks

Spot problems before they blow up. Caitlin Chin-Rothmann from the Center for Strategic and International Studies warns:

"AI is making it easier to extract, re-identify, link, infer, and act on sensitive information about people's identities, locations, habits, and desires."

3. Only collect what you need

Don't be a data hoarder. Stick to the essentials to minimize risks.

Getting People to Use AI

Even the best AI is useless if nobody wants to touch it. Here's why people might resist:

Reason Description
Job fears Workers think AI will kick them to the curb
Trust issues People don't buy that AI can make big decisions
It's complex AI can be a head-scratcher
Old habits People cling to familiar ways of doing things

To get people on board:

1. Be clear about AI's role

Show how AI is a sidekick, not a replacement.

2. Explain how it works

Don't keep AI a mystery. Let people peek under the hood.

3. Train, train, train

Help folks get comfortable with AI tools. Practice builds confidence.

4. Start small

Don't flip everything upside down at once. Ease people in gradually.

5. Get feedback

Keep your ears open. Listen to concerns and fix what's not working.

What's Next for AI in Contract Management

AI is shaking up contract management. Here's what's coming and how it might change the game.

New Tech on the Horizon

1. Smarter AI Assistants

AI tools are getting sharper. Soon, they'll:

  • Flag tricky clauses
  • Propose edits
  • Answer tough contract questions

2. Blockchain + AI = Super Contracts

This power duo will make contracts:

  • More secure
  • Self-executing
  • Easier to track

3. AI That Sees the Future

AI is learning to predict contract outcomes. It'll help lawyers:

  • Forecast negotiation results
  • Spot risks early
  • Cut better deals

The Ripple Effect

1. Speed and Savings

AI will turbocharge the process. McKinsey predicts AI could save real estate companies $110-180 billion by:

  • Drafting contracts in seconds
  • Quickly catching errors
  • Automating routine tasks

2. Lawyers' Evolving Role

Lawyers won't vanish, but their focus will shift to:

  • Complex negotiations
  • Strategic advice
  • Relationship building

3. Tailor-Made Contracts

AI will customize contracts, leading to:

  • Deals that fit specific needs
  • Fewer disputes
  • Happier clients

4. Going Global, Made Simple

AI will ease cross-border contract management by:

  • Adapting to local laws
  • Instant translation
  • Flagging cultural nuances

5. Data-Driven Decisions

Companies will mine past contracts for insights, helping them:

  • Make smarter choices
  • Dodge old mistakes
  • Uncover new opportunities

Matt Fitzpatrick, Senior Partner at McKinsey, nails it:

"Gen AI represents a fresh chance for the real estate industry to learn from its past and transform itself into an industry at technology's cutting edge."

The future of AI in contract management? It's bright. But it's not just about fancy tech. It's about working smarter, faster, better. Early adopters will have a serious edge.


AI is transforming contract management. Here's the scoop:

AI tools review contracts in minutes, not hours. This means faster deals, fewer errors, and more time for lawyers to tackle complex issues.

Companies are seeing real benefits:

The IRS slashed contract review time from 6 hours to 6 minutes with their AI tool. Equity Residential saved 7,500 work hours monthly using AI for property management.

But AI doesn't just speed things up. It spots risks humans might miss, suggests improvements, and helps make smarter decisions.

AI is already hard at work in contract management:

Task AI's Role
Writing Drafts contracts from templates
Reviewing Catches errors and inconsistencies
Risk Management Flags potential legal issues
Compliance Ensures contracts follow current laws

What's next? As AI evolves, expect more customized contracts, easier global deals, and contracts that update themselves as laws change.

Common Questions

Let's tackle some key concerns about AI in contract management:

Data Privacy and Security

Lawyers worry about client data safety. Here's what to do:

  • Check AI providers thoroughly
  • Ensure they follow data laws
  • Use strong security for client info

AI Accuracy

AI's fast, but not perfect. Remember:

  • Always have a lawyer review AI work
  • Use AI to help, not replace legal know-how
Concern Solution
Data Privacy Vet providers, follow laws, use strong security
AI Accuracy Human review, use AI as a tool
Ethical Use Follow bar rules, stay updated on AI ethics

Ethical Concerns

Stay on the right side of AI ethics:

  • Follow your bar's tech rules
  • Keep learning about AI in law
  • Be open with clients about AI use

Job Security

AI won't replace lawyers. Instead:

  • It handles routine tasks
  • Frees up time for complex work
  • Lawyers who use AI will be in demand

Implementation Challenges

Starting with AI? Try this:

  • Begin with a small pilot project
  • Pick AI tools that fit your systems
  • Train your team on AI use

"AI is still new. Vet providers carefully to address data privacy and sharing concerns."

AI in contract management makes lawyers more efficient, not obsolete.


Can AI write a real estate contract?

Yes, AI can help write real estate contracts. But it's not a solo act.

AI tools can:

  • Draft contracts quickly
  • Spot potential issues
  • Suggest improvements

But here's the catch: You still need humans. AI is a helper, not a replacement for legal pros.

What's AI doing in contract management?

AI is shaking things up in contract management. It's:

1. Automating boring stuff

2. Making processes smoother

3. Boosting efficiency

Here's a quick look at what AI can do:

Task AI Superpower Result
Scan documents Super-fast processing Time saver
Pull out data Grab info accurately Fewer mistakes
Analyze contracts Spot key terms and risks fast Better decisions

Get this: Onit's AI Center of Excellence found that AI could review contracts in SECONDS. That's a 99% cut in legal costs compared to human lawyers.

Nick Whitehouse from Onit called it a "watershed moment."

Bottom line? AI frees up legal and finance teams to focus on the big picture stuff. It handles the time-sucking tasks so humans don't have to.

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